Nnhypertension arterial pdf scielo english

This allowed easy measurement of systolic pressure in the clinic. However, hypertension as a clinical entity came into its own with the invention of the cuffbased sphygmomanometer by scipione rivarocci in 1896. Arterial hypertension in a known health problem but still it does not seem to be easy to determine in a feasible and unequivocal, who suffers from hypertension or not, in a community at a given moment. Arterial hypertension is the most common chronic noncommunicable disease among the elderly. Treatment of systemic hypertension 161 am j cardiovasc dis 2012. Hypertension htn or ht, also known as high blood pressure hbp, is a longterm medical condition in which the blood pressure in the arteries is persistently elevated. The adoption of the english language is one of the advances that scielo is promoting in order to increase the. The adoption of english among scielo brazil journals has been.

Arterial hypertension and cardiovascular disease in brazil. The treatment of arterial hypertension should start before significant cardiovascular damage develops and is usually lifelong. Conocimiento sobre hipertension arterial y factores. Blood pressure figures, from which it has been considered a patient as hypertensive, have been modified in time according to the knowledge. In the case of an active competitive athlete, it is recommended that once the blood pressure is well controlled, regular followup should be continued with by. Indexada en scielo, scopus, embase, lilacs, latindex, redalyc, dialnet y doaj. Prevalence of arterial hypertension in workers of a health institution. Estudios geneticos han establecido una clara asociacion entre hipertension y dislipidemia 16. The terms hu and he were proposed as an operational classification of hc in 1993 by the v joint national committee on detection evaluation and treatment of high blood pressure. Longterm high blood pressure, however, is a major risk factor for coronary artery disease, stroke, heart failure, atrial fibrillation, peripheral arterial disease, vision. Aids and hypertension were the keywords used in portuguese, english and. Arterial hypertension ah is a multifactorial clinical condition characterized by sustained. Scielo scientific electronic library online is a bibliographic database, digital library, and.

Gutierrez arredondo d, loaiza giraldo in, lopez calderon j, mora martinez s, nieto quiroga ac, rodriguez duque tu. High blood pressure typically does not cause symptoms. Scielo, the scientific electronic library online scielo sa is south africas. Alfredo antonio reyes internistadiabetologo definicin. Systemic arterial hypertension in people living with hivaids scielo. The risk resulting from high bp levels increases with age, and every 2mmhg elevation is associated with a 7% and a 10% increase in the risk of death due to ihd and stroke, respectively. Each collection has its own web portal with multilingual interfaces in english. Systemic arterial hypertension is a substantial public health problem around the world and the most common clinical condition found in primary care. The objective of scielo social sciences english edition is to contribute to the promotion of international access to latin american scientific journals in social. The english clergyman stephen hales made the first published measurement of blood pressure in 1733. As heidi tworek, assistant professor at university of british columbia in canada, said on twitter, communications in a public health crisis are as crucial as.

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